Monday, December 17, 2007

The two stages

Did you know that there are two stages of weevil life? Two. They live out their youth as small eggshell colored larvae. Then they ascend into adulthood as regular black weevils. If you knew this, you are ahead of me. I didn't even know how to spell weevil, but thankfully spell check did. I also thought that they were only black, and obvious in flour.

It is Christmas time. The season of advent needs no extra frills in order for me to appreciate its meaning. However, making cookies around this time of year is fun and generates a sweet feeling of nostalgia. And who doesn't like to eat cookies? So, I have gone a crazy baking. At least, I started baking and decided to enter into true insanity this evening by making an egregious amount of snickerdoodles. My plan has been foiled. It has been foiled by the first kind of weevil. The light in the kitchen shines dimly, and I did not check the flour closely until it was too late. Now I have a ridiculous amount of useless batter. I feel defeated.

I would make more batter, but I have nearly run out of butter, and cookies are not worth their salt without fat. I do not have the energy to go to the store to buy more butter. I planned to give my friends cookies tomorrow as a gift. Maybe I will do the unspeakable and buy store bought cookies.

"let your love rage like a lion" andrew osenga


Becca said...

aaaah! attack of the weevils!!! ;-)

Jen said...

you should have just eaten the weevils, more protein! ;o) Or just told your friends that they were chocolate chip snickerdoodles.